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Tex Control

The testing laboratory (TL) in “Tex Control” Ltd., Gabrovo town is accredited.

In the test work the laboratory uses only standardized test methods included in more than 120 international standards. With these capabilities the laboratory provides laboratory tests of over 80% of the features / indexes/ of the textile materials, textile fabrics and ready garments. The trend is for its capacity to be expanded.

Testing laboratory


The test laboratory has at its disposal modern testing equipment and auxiliary equipment. The technical tools are of the latest generation of technology and manufacturing capabilities of the world’s leading specialized companies (SDL Atlas - England; JASCO CORPORATION-Switzerland; DATACOLOR INC - USA; CECIL INSTRUMENTS LTD - UK; WTW GmbH Germany; ZWEIGLE, CmbH, Germany; TEXTEST, INSTRUMENTS, AG-Switzerland; "BINDER" Germany; IKA-Germany, etc.)

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5300 Gabrovo
9, Treti Mart